Lucas Desgouilles

Software Developer

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Rust (3 years), Haskell (2 years), Javascript (3 years), C (2 years), C++ (1 year)
Bash (10 years), Python (5 years)
Deployment Targets
Nix/NixOS (6 years), Linux (10 years), Kubernetes (2 years), Docker (7 years)
Cloud Services
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Engine (GCE)
PostgreSQL, MySQL
Continous Integration and Deployment
GitLab CI, GitOps
Monitoring and Observability
Prometheus, Grafana, Datadog
Linux and Kubernetes Hardening, Reverse Engineering
Version Control


2020 Q2 - Now

Software Developer Undisclosed employer, Remote

Software development of distributed systems in Financial Technology, using Rust, Kubernetes, Kotlin/Java. My keen interest in DevOps and Security led me to adopt a flexible role, reactively supporting my team, as well as proposing and spearheading improvements.
Developed and deployed an active monitoring service. Implemented four-eyes principle on existing administrative APIs.
Completed migration of projects from one GitLab instance to another, eliminating withstanding security issues and reducing developer friction. Overhauled GitLab CI pipelines with a documented and extensible system, streamlining all projects at once without disruption. Reviewed the remaining CI variables/secrets, scheduling their revocation appropriately.
Migrated all our Kubernetes resources to a GitOps deployment system, significantly improving resiliency and security. Handled the deployment and configuration of ArgoCD, SealedSecrets. Uncovered a set of misplaced secrets, moved them to secure encrypted resources and scheduled their immediate replacement. Drafted an RFC describing a system offering centralised observability of all active secrets.

2016 - 2020

Freelance Software Developer

Web development using Python, Javascript, Elm, Haskell, deployment and administration of solutions on Linux and/or cloud infrastructure (AWS, GCP).

2015 - Now

Contributor to Free Software

Author of Rust library discord_game_sdk, providing a safe and idiomatic interface to an external library with no first-party support. Offered contributions to various projects, such as specs, dodrio, PostgREST, nixpkgs. Author of SourceMod plugin tf2-comp-fixes, implementing fixes and gameplay changes catered towards competitive play to video game Team Fortress 2.